Our Professional Development Team offers a range of training opportunities to support our process, through a portfolio of presentations, workshop and blended learning programmes. We offer a wide range of training sessions and presentations for new and experienced advisers. As an adviser, the idea of giving information, advice, and guidance to students hoping to progress to higher education may seem daunting. Our training sessions are an excellent way to get in-depth information about the UK higher education application process, and a great way to build your confidence and competence in helping your students. All our training and presentations are delivered by a team of industry professionals with a wealth of experience — so you’ll be sure to get the best possible advice. If you are new to your role in advising applicants or have very little or no prior experience of how to process student admissions in variety of courses. Then this is the training for you.
This one-day session has been designed to help introduce you to the world of Ofgad as well as further and higher education applications. It will provide you with an understanding of key dates, processes, and resources available to you – all the fundamental information you need to get you through the cycle.
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