What support is available at university?

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At your university, college or language school, there will be a team of people available to offer advice and support if you need it.

What are student services?

Universities and colleges have a department, often called ‘student services’, which offers advice and support to all students who want it. They support students from all backgrounds, and can help estranged students with issues such as –

  • getting evidence for student finance
  • finding accommodation
  • discovering which bursaries and hardship funds are available
  • getting counselling and accessing other emotional support networks

You can find information about student services (they may have a different name) on a university’s website. Don’t hesitate to contact them directly if you have any questions – their contact details should be on their website.

Academic support

If you think your personal circumstances might affect your academic achievement, it’s a good idea to talk to your course tutor about your situation. They can help you manage your workload and, if necessary, explain the rules about extenuating circumstances for assignments. If you prefer, you could ask a student services adviser to talk to your course tutor on your behalf.

Financial support and budgeting advice

Managing money while at university can be a real challenge, and tuition fees and other costs can vary quite a bit. There’s lots of support and guidance to help you make informed decisions about budgeting and sourcing additional income, to help with the day-to-day costs of being a student. Bursaries and grants don’t need to be repaid, but student loans and Maintenance Loans do, which can work out costly without good advice. If you need practical advice about managing your finances, contact the student support team at your university or college first. They provide impartial advice and guidance about bursaries, scholarships, and emergency hardship funds – based on your specific needs. If you’re a member of the students’ union, speak to one of the advisers about who you can contact for support. Some students’ unions have dedicated advisers with extensive knowledge and experience of advising students about money-related issues.

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