Postgraduate Study

Taught Master's

Postgraduate Study

Taught Master's

Taught Masters Degrees

(MA, MSc, LLM , MBA, MArch, MEd, MEng etc.)

Taught Masters degree is ideal for those who want to further their knowledge in a particular subject at postgraduate level and improve their employability.

Taught masters are usually a year full-time courses delivered and assessed through a series of taught modules, and may include independent research (usually of between 10,000–20,000 words) in a specialised subject area.

There are variety of taught masters degree options such as Master of Arts (MA); Master of Science (MSc); Master of Laws); Master of Business Administration (MBA); Master of Architecture (MArch); Master of Education (MEd); Master of Engineering (MEng); Master of Fine Arts (MFA); Master of Letters (MLitt); Master of Music (MMus); and Master of Studies (MSt) etc.

  • Entry requirements for taught masters vary from university to university. The minimum entry requirement is usually a Bachelors degree (or its equivalent) in an appropriate field.
  • Taught Masters degree provides an ideal academic progression where graduates can pursue doctorate level study.
  • There are a number of career routes students can take after Taught Masters such as getting a graduate job or becoming self-employed.
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