If you are an international student who has started an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in the UK for the first time and after one week, one month or one year you decide it is not for you or what you expected, there are a number of different options and choices you can make.
It doesn’t matter how far into your degree you are, if you are unhappy with how you are progressing or do not enjoy any of the modules you are studying, then it is in your interest to consider changing your course.
Reasons to change course may include lack of motivation, skipping lectures and having nothing to say in seminars – if this sounds familiar, follow the three simple steps below and get in touch with Ofgad today who have helped students in similar situations.
Steps to take and change your course
1. Talk to someone
If you know you are not enjoying your course, but cannot pinpoint why, try talking about it with a family member, friend or education counsellors at your university or college. A problem shared is a problem halved and experts can help you understand what it is you are not enjoying about your course and how to find a new one.
2. Assess your options
Once you understand what it is you didn’t like about your course (location? modules? faculty?), have a think about your study options and what types of subject you are interested in.
For example, do you want to pivot from Film Studies to Film Production, two very different courses under one larger subject type? Many universities also allow you to transfer credits from one course to the next, so you won’t necessarily be starting from the beginning on another programme.
If you want to change university, are you happy in the city you’re currently in and just want to switch institutions, or would you rather live in a different part of the UK?
3. Make your own decision
Ultimately the decision to change course at university is up to you. Our application experts can advise you on university rankings, where to live, tuition fee information and types of courses at all levels of UK education, but you need to be happy about the changes you are making.
Consult with us
A lot of people see university, college or language school as a few years of study, and figure that they’ll be able to just get through it and then move on with their lives. However, what some people neglect to consider is the fact that whatever they study will most likely be linked to the career they end up with for the rest of their lives. Finding your passion can help unlock your dream job and really change the rest of your life.
Choosing a right course for yourself seems like a major choice, and it is definitely something you need to take seriously. If you would like Ofgad to help in deciding right subject, course type and place of study for you, then send us your interest. We’ll consult with you to find the right courses to study in the UK.